MirrorSearch (1): CreateOutput: unexpected searchResult value: archiveaddress mtc-m16c.sid.inpe.br contenttype Data ibi {rep dpi.inpe.br/vagner/2000/ ibin 83LX3pFwXQZ4BFjAq/mxUqf} ibi.archiveservice {rep sid.inpe.br/mtc-m18@80/2008/} ibi.platformsoftware {rep dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/} metadatafieldlist {booktitle Anais contenttype {} copyright {} doi {} forcehistorybackflag {} forcerecentflag {} fullname {} identifier 83LX3pFwXQZ4BFjAq/mxUqf issn {} language pt metadatalastupdate {2023: sid.inpe.br/mtc-m18@80/2008/ administrator {D 2000}} metadatarepository dpi.inpe.br/vagner/2000/ mirrorrepository {} nextedition {} nexthigherunit {8JMKD3MGP8W/3GNSDMB 8JMKD3MGPDW34P/48F29JE} parameterlist {} parentidentifiercitedby {} previousedition {} readergroup {administrator geoinfo@dpi.inpe.br simone} readpermission {} referencetype {Conference Proceedings} repository dpi.inpe.br/vagner/2000/ rightsholder {} searchinputvalue {} shortmenu {} shorttitle {} size {312 KiB} targetfile 003.pdf title {Modelagem geometrica 3D e analise espacial de sistemas carsticos com o uso de opengl e sql} username {} versiontype {}} state Original timestamp 2000-07-10T18:31:51Z url http://mtc-m16c.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/vagner/2000/ urlkey 1715130526840-1448088134430727
the query was: .
    while executing
"error "CreateOutput: unexpected searchResult value: $searchResult\nthe query was: <$query>."	"
    invoked from within
"if [string equal 1 $entryEvaluationFunctions] {	;# added by GJFB in 2017-07-12 - DisplayNumberOfEntries or DisplayCorrelationCoefficient in use
# unex..."
    invoked from within
"if [regexp {^\d+$} $n] {
# n is integer
						incr numberOfEntries2 $n
					} else {
# n is not integer
						if [string equal 1 $entryEvaluationFunct..."
    invoked from within
"if ![string equal {} $n] {
					if [regexp {^\d+$} $n] {
# n is integer
						incr numberOfEntries2 $n
					} else {
# n is not integer
						if [stri..."
    ("foreach" body line 5)
    invoked from within
"foreach searchResult $searchResultList {
# puts $searchResult
				set n 0
				catch {foreach {1 2 3 4 5 n} $searchResult {break}}	;# searchResult may ..."
    invoked from within
"if [regexp "^\{<(.*)>\}$" $searchResultList m errorMessage] {
# the search expression has a syntax error
		if $header {
			if [info exists cgi(query)]..."
    (procedure "CreateOutput" line 226)
    invoked from within
"CreateOutput  $language $languageRep1 $languageRep2 $query $query2String Search {}  0 $maximumNumberOfEntries $cgi(choice) $header  {^$} 0 {} $cgi(out..."